52 Red Dresses prints

I want to be completely honest and transparent about how I will approach this year-long project.

I will create 52 red dress prints.

I will share the names and as much of their stories as I can.

I will finish by May 5, 2024.

Watch my video introduction to this project on tiktok.

Willow supporting No More Stolen Sisters

It isn’t realistic or feasible for me to travel through this journey in a linear fashion. I have several mental health illnesses and my own personal brush with being trafficked.

There will be times that my mental health will be unable to bear the emotional “spoons” to retell the stories of these missing or murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two spirited people.

I must protect my mental health so that I can and will tell their stories.

Among many other things I struggle with PMDD, a disorder tied to the hormonal shifts of my menstrual cycle and this week has been a struggle.

52 Red Dresses Prints

I have pulled 7 red dress prints and for the sake of my mental health I will let things rest here. I will begin research when there is a moment that my mind is in a better and more stable place.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, it will be difficult for me. I will surely need a lot of love, support and encouragement along the way.

This is a slower start than I had anticipated but it IS a start nonetheless and that is far better than not starting at all.

Love and Light,

  • Willow


You Can Run With US


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